Friday, February 24, 2012

The researchers said that ultimately can be ...

Replacing Shots: New research shows that the experimental microchip that can be implanted in the abdomen successfully delivered 20 daily doses of bone seven women with osteoporosis. Wi-programmed chip from microchip. The researchers said that eventually may be able to deliver drugs at least year, replacing injections for some patients, the newspaper said. Qnexa is in the spotlight: FDA first Vivuss weight loss drug Qnexa in 2010, requested more data security, and next Wednesday drugs once again face one of the Agency outside advisory groups. FDAs announcement date for a decision on the drug, which consists of two drugs already approved for other lasix generic purposes, and thus are effectively used by some doctors of tags 17 April, the newspaper said. An unusual strategy Valve: Edwards Lifesciences vykochuye its Sapien heart valve does not require open heart surgery to insert through careful strategy designed to avoid complications and failures, which would limit the success of the device. Company check medical centers and doctors, paying its sales based on the results and requires hospitals that use surgical valve invest in infrastructure, the newspaper said. MCAT changes: Association of American Medical Colleges has announced it will make changes to medical examination college admission, or MCAT, since 2015. The test will be more than six and a half hours, compared to the current 4:56 and will include new sections on psychology, sociology and biology, as well as critical analysis and study, the newspaper said. Image. ISTOCKPHOTO

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